Can you guess why February is our favourite month of the year? Hint: it has nothing to do with Valentine’s Day, though we are suckers for romance 😉 Give up? It’s because February is ‘Bake For Family Month’! And we’re celebrating ALL of this month by having the Con Affetto Bake Off Party, where each member of our team gets a traditional family bake to work, for everyone to tuck into!
So it’s but natural that we’re FULL ON excited about Bake For Family Month, an annual celebration created by the Home Baking Association, to encourage families to spend time together baking- and having a blast while they’re at it! Baking can be incredibly uplifting and relaxing when done in your alone time, but when done in a group it can take you to a whole different zone. And when it’s done with close family and friends, it can be almost therapeutic! Here’s a look at why baking with family should be on your must-do list this baking season:
B for….Bonding!
All that jazz about quality time with your loved ones? If that’s what you’re looking for, it doesn’t get better than baking together! Baking requires time and patience. It’s but natural that if you’re doing it with someone, you’re investing time and effort into creating something together. In the process you nurture and strengthen your bonds with each other, in the most delicious way imaginable
There’s something in it for everyone!
From toddlers to grandparents, everyone can help out in baking a scrummylicious cake; or a fun and funky pizza! From measuring ingredients (grandpa, with his penchant for being precise); to mixing the cake batter (the kids get to play a role here!) baking is an all inclusive affair. Even the family dog can play a part- licking the batter off the kitchen floor! 😉
You get to learn a lifelong skill…
Yup, baking ain’t just fun and games! As anyone who is clueless about cooking; we’re talking about being unable to even boil an egg- there really are peeps like that out there!- will tell you, learning how to bake is an invaluable skill. And it’s a skill that will last you a lifetime. If acquired well, it can bring you great joy (not to mention delicious bakes!). And hey, if you get really good at it, you may even make it a lifelong passion!
Baking is SUPER for kids!
Okay, there are reams and reams of research out there which prove beyond doubt that baking is a fabulous activity for families with kids to indulge in as often as possible. Not only does it get kids interested in trying healthy foods (carrot cake, anyone?), it gets children involved in the process of meal planning and learning about healthy ingredients, makes them feel included and accomplished by contributing something to the family meal and teaches several basic math and scientific principles. So get your kids around that oven already!
You’re creating more than just baked goodies…
You’re creating beautiful memories that will not just last you for a lifetime; they will be even handed down for generations after! Think about it; are there any family recipes which have come to you from your great-great-grandmother’s time and are guarded like precious family heirlooms? Well, not only do you relive and recreate those memories from your grand mum’s kitchen every time you and your kids get together to bake, now you’re getting to create recipes and memories of your own. Which may someday be relished and loved by your great grandkids!
Baking together gets those creative juices flowing…

Get, set…bake! Baking unleashes creativity…did you know that cake pops were the result of a creative burst of inspiration?
Baking has been likened to a work of art and a good baker is akin to an artist. So it goes without saying that when you and your family get involved in baking you bring your individual personalities and talents to the entire process and feed off each others creativity. You can take that basic cake recipe and add your own creative flair to it. Who says you have to be a text book baker? In the process, you not only unleash your imagination, you amp up the entire creative process! Many epic desserts- think cake pops, or macarons!- have been created by imaginative and innovative bakers thinking outta the (cake) box!
Bake for family month will foster some awesome teamwork!
Remember that old saying about how too many bakers can ruin the cake? Just as with any other group or community project, baking requires great teamwork and organization. In any team there are people with different skill levels and competencies; some need support and guidance, some get an opportunity to develop their leadership skills. And when you’re playing for the greatest team of all-the home team- it’s a learning ground like no other, and fun too!
We hope we’ve got you all revved up about spending time with the fam around that oven, baking up loads of happiness! Don’t forget to watch this space for more fun bake for family month activities– we have LOADS of awesome stuff we plan to serve up to you this month- fresh and hot from the oven, Con Affetto style 😉
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