Gooey. Sinful. Decadent. Delicious. Happiness is now just a chocolate laden slice away! Do you know what makes us ecstatically, deliriously happy? A freshly baked slice of chocolate cake, just the right amount of moist and gooey, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream nestling by its side and some sizzling warm chocolate sauce caressing them both tenderly. Sighhhh…just the thought is enough to send us into raptures of joy!
We’re back this fabulous Friday with an all new series: Con Affetto’s Dessert of the Month and starring this January is- what else- but Gooey Chocolate Cake! And hey, guess what? 27Th Jan is celebrated as Chocolate Cake Day, so if you didn’t treat yourself to some chocolate cake making happy this Wednesday, go ahead and indulge today- we can’t think of a better way to end the week!
Chocolate cake is pretty ubiquitous across the dessert scene everywhere, but did you know that chocolate cake first started off as a beverage? Yup, that’s right! Until the 1830’s, chocolate was consumed mainly as a beverage and the popular notion of ‘chocolate cake’ was actually a white or yellow cake that was eaten along with a chocolate drink! Whoa, you sure have come a loooong way, baby!
This National Chocolate Cake Day we’d like to, ahem, honour this all time classic dessert (and one of our personal faves, droool!) by treating you to our favourite gooey chocolate cake recipes. Try one out this weekend (or right away!) and it may even chase those Monday morning blues away!
Presenting…our all time favourite ooey gooey….droool…okay, sorry! We got a little carried away there! Getting back…presenting our all time favourite ooey gooey chocolate cake recipes! Try one, or try ’em all. Instant bliss, guaranteed 😉
1. Gooey Chocolate Cake by Joy The Baker
Good things come in small packages sometimes and Joy The Baker proves just that with these little gooey chocolate cakes. These miniature gooey chocolate cakes make for a great post dinner treat, or a pre-workout snack, or a tea time accompaniment….heck, you can just scarf ’em down anytime of the day…or night!
Get the Gooey Chocolate Cake Recipe by Joy the Baker here!
Related: 10 Must Have Baking Essentials Every Home Baker Needs
2. Gordon Ramsay’s Gooey Chocolate Cake

For when you need to quell that chocolate craving with something light and still OD on chocolate 😉 (Image Credit: Good Food-link below)
This one is just right for when you want something sumptuous and chocolatey, but not over the top heavy. Hit all the right (chocolate) notes, with this easy to follow recipe over at Good Food.
3. Gooey Chocolate Cake in Seconds: A Hug in a Mug!
Okay, this one is our personal favourite among all the personal favourites and you’ll soon see why. It’s ready in 60 seconds flat! You heard that right. Chocolate cake. 60. SECONDS. FLAT. Perfect for those days when you need instant chocolate comfort and you need it NOW. Oh and did we mention that you need only three ingredients for this one? This is a hug in a mug, alright- and a chocolate smothered one at that!
Are you still hanging around, reading? Get the recipe at Babble already!
Related: How to Bake the Perfect Brownie!
4. Nigella’s Gooey Chocolate Cake
Um, you can’t be talking gooey chocolate cake and not talk Nigella right? Right! This one is super fudgy, moist, gooey and chocolatey and SO easy to make! No wonder it’s one of Nigella’s favorites as well! Get the recipe here.
5. Thoda Chocolate, Thoda Caramel

Awesome threesome: cake, chocolate, caramel. Ooey gooey love! (Image Credit: A Pinch of Yum- link below)
Okay now this one has a slight caramel twist as you must have guessed, but that’s exactly why it makes it to our list of must try gooey chocolate cakes! Think moist cake. Melted chocolate. Soft, melt in your mouth caramel. A match made in heaven? This is one threesome you simply gotto try! It is ooey gooey, oooh-ey gooey, it is delish and like the lady says, it WILL change your life. Get the recipe at over at A Pinch of Yum.
We’d love to hang around and chat but after all those recipes, all WE can think about is chocolate cake so we just gotta rush to the Con Affetto kitchen and whip up some RIGHT NOW. Later, peeps! And wish you’ll a Very Happy Chocolate Cake Day! We can’t think of a better way to celebrate happiness Can you?