With all due apologies to singer Shaan of Loveology fame, we just couldn’t help getting a little carried away because it’s World Boss’ Day today!:D Do you have a meanie for a boss or are you one of the lucky ones with a genuinely nice boss?

Use our Sun Sign Guide to get to know your boss better!
Meanie or sweetie, it’s always a good idea to get to know your boss a little better and what better way than by using their sun signs as a guide? Read on to get the full inside scoop on how to match your boss’s sun sign to their management style, and figure out what is a good gift to give your boss!
Remember the little powerhouses barreling across the playground full steam, back when you were a kid? The grown up version is your Aries boss. Dynamic; inspiring; trailblazing; the Aries boss is a natural leader and a demanding one at that! You can have a tough time keeping pace with an Aries boss, so if you’re the quiet, dreamy sort- pull up your socks or run! On the other hand, your Aries boss will hugely respect your individuality and be open to ideas and experimenting.

You Aries boss can be more than a ‘little’ demanding!
Gift your fiery Aries boss an outdoor barbecue grill, a deluxe Swiss army knife or a dart game for the office- just make sure you stay in their good books or you might have those darts buzzing around your head!
Bossy? The adjective derived from boss? That’s the Taurus boss for you π Slow, stable and hard working, your Taurean boss will take their own sweet time to give you direction but when its done expect it to be set in stone. Hugely trustworthy, fair and honest you can be sure your Taurean boss will always have your back.

BOSSY? You’ve got a Taurean for a boss!
Your Venus-ruled Taurean boss will appreciate tickets to a musical event, vintage art or a particularly unique antique find.
Be prepared to be charmed; Gemini bosses are quirky, fun and super smart. Flexible and easy to work with, Gemini bosses are not natural born leaders, they prefer working at an equal level and enjoy being part of teams. Gemini bosses will be happy to delegate authority and let things run their course, but make sure you keep them in the loop on important decisions.

Keep your Gemini boss in the loop, always!
The latest best-selling book, a funky travel accessory or a snazzy tech toy are perfect gifts for your Gemini boss!
Ever had a boss who would nit-pick your presentation in gory detail, down to the exact shade of font colour used? Cancerian! Extremely particular and demanding, your Cancerian boss will have high (sometimes unrealistic) expectations from you. Also very emotional and empathetic, it is important to be on the same emotional wavelength as your Cancerian boss.

Your Cancerian boss can be a tad emotional!
A classic desk accessory, a vintage cookbook, a new coffee maker; even your Cancerian boss will have little to find fault with these perfect-for-Cancerian-boss gifts!
All hail the king of the corporate jungle! Natural born leaders, Leos just lurrve being bosses! Fair and impartial, Leos take great pride in their work. Intelligent, resourceful and natural risk takers, Leo bosses are typically the centre of attention at the office coffee machine- and don’t they just love that!

Leo bosses just LOVE being the boss!
Your Leonine boss loves luxury; think a posh silver visiting card case, fine champagne or limited edition tickets to an event which has drama and flourish!
Get ready to crunch! Not food silly, numbers! Pragmatic and great realists, Virgo bosses are great ones for facts and figures- so make sure you have yours at your fingertips. Hugely focused on results (sorry, excuses won’t make the cut!) Virgo bosses go for logic and evidence. They may seem unemotional at times, but they will hugely respect your time (as well as their own!) so you can expect to have a good deal of that elusive ‘work life balance’!

Virgo boss? Get, set, number crunch!
Virgo bosses will love an exciting new tech toy, a travel reading light or an intellectual book.
Um, this one is a tricky cookie! Perceptive, intelligent, charming, the Libra boss can be a pleasure to work with. As long as things are going well. But the minute conflict arises; disaster! Eager to please everyone and be liked, Libra bosses find it very difficult to handle conflict. If they’re able to get past that bit though, and it may just take an eternity, they are one of the most sociable bosses around!

Libra bosses are great to work with- until conflict strikes!
Anything to do with music works well for the Venus-ruled Libra boss; a portable music dock with speakers, a unique music collection, or a smart new electronic calendar to help them organize their dates.
Powerful and dominating, your Scorpio boss will set high expectations from everyone including themselves. Your Scorpio boss will push you hard and draw the best out of you, but will also protect you from unreasonable demands and reward you abundantly when deserved.

Your Scorpio boss has high expectations from you!
A classic book (thrillers or crime stories), a tarot deck or a tech security device will be sure to get your Scorpio boss’s attention; in a good way!
It’s difficult not to like a Saggi boss! Optimistic, open, warm, they can cheer you up even on a blue funk Monday morning. On the flip side, they tend to be dreamers with their head in the clouds and a bit touchy, so make sure your lines of communication with them are clear and open.

Everyone likes a Saggi boss!
A sporty watch, a stylish passport case or a Swiss Army compass make for great gifts for your Saggi boss.
All work and no play makes for the serious Capricornian boss! Serious and hard-working, you don’t want them to catch you goofing off at the water cooler. Gifted and persevering, your Capri boss is awesome at cracking the toughest problems. Delegation doesn’t come to them naturally though, you may have to twiddle your thumbs a bit with your Capri boss!

The Capri boss can be a tough nut to crack!
An intriguing historical book, a chess set with ivory pieces or a useful hiking accessory will have you a very happy Capri boss on your hands!
Creative, versatile and hugely independent, your Aquarian boss secretly hates being a boss! Hugely independent, Aquarian bosses don’t do so well with hierarchy and are happy doing stuff on their own. They are happy for you to do the same, as long as you’re resourceful and work on your own steam, no breathing down the neck here!

Your Aquarian boss might just wander off to get stuff done on his own!
Funky new speakers, a telescope to view the stars, a boxed set of their fave TV series; the funkier and more unusual, the better!
Sensitive, moody, intuitive, Piscean bosses can be a bit of a mystery! Fluid and empathetic, Piscean bosses can make for excellent bosses. They can also be a tad overprotective and touchy, so its important to strike the right emotional chord with them.

Your Piscean boss might just be surrounded in mystery!
A book on photography, a fitness accessory, a soothing aromatic water fountain will appeal to the artistic soul of your Piscean boss.
Any sun sign for boss tips you’d like to share too? Tell us!