Oh Mom, you’re such a cookie! Or…a doughnut, maybe?
It’s that time of the year again peeps! Mother’s Day is round the corner and if you’ve been waiting all year to say those sweet ‘everythings’ to your Mom, to let her know just how much she means to you, we’ve got just the thing! Take a quick look below to figure out which dessert type your Mum fits into and then treat her to some gorgeous looking &Â scrumptious tasting edible bouquet-ish love with our very special Mother’s Day bouquet, crafted especially for all the extraordinary Mums out there!
1. The Glazed Cinnamon Doughnut Mommy
When Mother’s Day rolls around you want to jump up and down, let out loud whoops of joy and give your Mom a big, warm hug. Coz your Mom is just freakin’ awesome! Down to earth, no nonsense, she is terrific with all types of people and all sorts of situations. Got a problem to deal with? Your Mom can handle it and how! Super independent and confident, your Glazed Cinnamon Doughnut Mommy sure knows how to walk the talk! Take the afternoon off and treat her to a movie that she loves this Mother’s Day, and let the rest of the world handle its own problems for a change 😉
2. The Vanilla Almond Sponge Cake Mother
So, you know how it is with cake, right? Everyone wants a slice and there’s never enough to go around! That’s how it is with your Vanilla Almond Sponge Cake Mother. Easy to talk to, a great listener, the friend everyone can turn to…she’s the one you want to go home to. She’s got her stuff sorted and she makes even the most complicated mess seem like…what else? A piece of cake! 😉 It doesn’t take much to make your sweet, simple Mum happy, so why not melt her heart this Mother’s Day with some DIY? A hand made gift into which you’ve invested time and effort will truly show her how much she means to you.
3. The Red Velvet Cheesecake Mummy
Perfectly coiffed hair; pearls in place, she is sophistication personified. Elegant and polished, she can work any social situation with ease, and has saved your skin on many an occasion, because she knows exactly what to say and do! She has high standards, is hard to please and won’t settle for anything but the best. If that sounds like Mommy dearest, you’ve got The Red Velvet Cheesecake Mama! Treat her to an afternoon at her favourite spa this Mother’s Day, so she can put her (perfectly pedicured) feet up and unwind.

Red Velvet Mom? Or Glazed Cinnamon Doughnut maybe? Whatever her dessert type, she’ll love our divine edible bouquets!
4. The French Macaron Mama
Will you stop day dreaming already? Except in this case, it’s you who says this to her and not the other way round! Coz your Mama is a day dreamer and a hopeless romantic to boot! She dreams that someday you’ll end up marrying the guy (or gal) of your dreams, have the beach wedding that she always fantasized about and maybe end up living in a gorgeous atelier in Paris with a dreamy view of the Seine, gorgeous art and an endless supply of luxuriant Macarons…the dessert that describes her best! Your French Macaron Mama loves all things haute couture and is a sucker for the fine things in life…and you wouldn’t want her to be one bit different! Treat her with tickets to the most happening event in town this Mother’s Day…we’re thinking art, couture… or maybe a musical or play she might enjoy.
5. The Apple Crumble & Pecan Pie Momma
She may seem unapproachable to some because of her seemingly strict, crusty exterior, but you know the soft-hearted goodness that lies within! She’s wise beyond her years and an ace at handling even seemingly insurmountable difficulties. And she has a goofy side to her as well…one that you know only too well, even though she keeps it well hidden from the rest of the world! Take your Apple Crumble & Pecan Pie Mumster to an evening out this Mother’s Day…an evening of fun, frolic and wild abandon, where she can let her hair down! We’re thinking a night on the town…bowling, clubbing, a go at the casino…or maybe a stand up comic act!
6. The Chocolate Hazelnut Cookie Mumma
She’s the super enthu social butterfly and her friends (and yours!) know they can rely on her. She’s fabulous company and loves having people over, is a real softie at heart (though she can go rock hard if someone’s messing with you) and is incredibly versatile. She’s everyone’s favourite, huggable Chocolate Hazelnut Cookie Mumma and you love her to (chocolate chip) bits! Give her a break from all that frantic socializing this Mother’s Day and treat her to a picnic! Just whisk her away unexpectedly…some food, soothing music and a nice shady tree is all you need!
7. The Classic Chocolate Brownie Mom
She has a heart made of…pure chocolate! Warm, soft hearted, kind and loving, everyone loves your Classic Chocolate Brownie Mom! And why wouldn’t they? She’s approachable, practical, easy going and always makes time for you and the things that matter to you. No wonder all your friends love her (almost!)as much as you do! Oh and did we mention she’s fabulous company too? Take her out with all your pals (they’ll only be too happy to join in) and maybe their Mums too, to her favourite restaurant this Mother’s Day to celebrate her unique spirit.

Con Affetto salutes #momspirit! Treat her to one of our edible bouquets this Mother’s Day and have her swooning all year round!
So there you have it! Which dessert matches your Mum best? Whether she’s a Doughnut, a French Macaron or a crusty, flaky Pie, there’s only one of her, so go all out and make her feel fabulous this Mother’s Day!