Con Affetto creates edible bouquets!


There is always the search to find the perfect gift for that special occasion. When ideas fail you, what do you do? You rush to the nearest florist, because nothing spells ‘I’m-sorry-I-couldn’t-think-of-anything-else’ like a bouquet of beautiful flowers.


The gesture is sweet, but the life of a flower is fleeting. Within a day or two, the petals are swept away, along with the 700 Rupees that was paid for it.

It’s disheartening, but what other practical, alternative solution is out there?

How do feel about eating a flower?

No, this isn’t some vegetarian propaganda. Con Affetto is a confectionery in West Delhi that sells bouquets with edible flowers that look like dew drops of heaven and taste scrumptious.

“We craft edible bouquets by combining the elegance of flowers and deliciousness of our desserts like cookies, cupcakes, cake truffles, pretzels et al” Upasana, founder of Con Affetto

The desserts are fresh, and hygiene is maintained throughout the whole process. They easily match with the natural beauty of a flower.


If the situation demands a more personal touch, then one can easily get the hamper/basket personalized. Whether it is the theme, the number of flowers, or the variety in flavour, Con Affecto takes special care to customize the edible bouquet to meet the expectations of the customer.

“With our e-store we make it convenient for our customers to order customized edible gifts/bouquets with personalized messages”, Upasana, founder of Con Affetto.

Nature takes the backseat as these blooming edible gifts can last at least 5-6 days, provided there is proper refrigeration. It’s ingenious and good value for your money.
